Web Specials
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Be sure and mention this discount when you call to schedule service. Not valid on previously completed services.
Limit one special per customer.
Mention the Promo Code SERVICE
We are offering a special on fill valve and flapper replacements. Have a qualified plumbing technician come to your home and change out your fill valve and flapper for $100 including materials, a $35 savings. Simply mention this ad when you call 910.602.7005 to schedule your appointment. Mention the Promo Code FILL VALVE.
Additional commodes at the same service address may be serviced with a new fill valve and flapper for only $35 for each additional commode.
Buying or Selling a Home?
Have a qualified plumber perform a home plumbing inspection for only $150. $50 savings for a limited time only. Inspection includes detailed report of findings and photographs of any damage or trouble areas.
Fixing minor plumbing repairs today can save you time and money when you are ready to sell. Buyers are expecting your home to show its absolute best while on the market. Anything less suggests that other things might also be wrong.
A plumbing inspection can also provide additional peace of mind when purchasing a home. Minor repairs made now can help avoid major problems down the road.
Mention the Promo Code INSPECTION.
Call 910.602.7005 for an appointment.
Tankless Water Heater Flush
Right now, have your tankless heater cleaned to operate at maximum efficiency, for a limited time at $225 – a $50 savings.
*Note: If you are on a septic system, and not the county sewer, and you have multiple fixtures backing up, you should check to see if your septic tank is full.
Disclaimer: Cannot combine coupons or specials.